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well known all over the world中文是什么意思

用"well known all over the world"造句"well known all over the world"怎么读"well known all over the world" in a sentence


  • 在海内外都享有盛名


  • And now that he ' s well known all over the world , liu xiang will also be asked to appear in advertisements and films , and even to record music
  • Mr . ambassador : a big number of students now are studying in switzerland . many of them are in private schools , especially in the hotel management schools , because swiss hotel management schools are well known all over the world
  • Therefore , it is imperative to correct the misunderstanding of mcluhan ' s theories nowadays . the sixties of last century was mcluhan ' s age , he was well known all over the world . then , his academic reputation was becoming vicissitudinous
用"well known all over the world"造句  
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